Letter of the Holy Father to the Bishops of the United States of America
Lettera del Santo Padre ai Vescovi degli Stati Uniti d’America (11.02.2025) Dear Brothers in the Episcopate, I am writing today to address a few words to you in these delicate moments that you are living as Pastors of the People of God who walk together in the United States of America. 1 . The journey from slavery to freedom that the People of Israel traveled, as narrated in the Book of Exodus , invites us to look at the reality of our time, so clearly marked by the phenomenon of migration , as a decisive moment in history to reaffirm not only our faith in a God who is always close, incarnate, migrant and refugee , but also the infinite and transcendent dignity of every human person . [1] 2 . These words with which I begin are not an artificial construct. Even a cursory examination of the Church’s social doctrine emphatically shows that Jesus Christ is the true Emmanuel (cf. Mt 1:23 ); he did not live apart from the difficult experience of being expelled from his ow...